Home-bound Service
Are you unable to drive any longer? Are you confined to your home? Are you temporarily laid up with a broken bone, a difficult pregnancy, recent surgery?
You can have books or other library materials delivered to you at home at no cost! Contact the library for more information at (630) 553-4354 or click below to fill out the Home Delivery form.
Curbside Pick-Up
Curbside Pick-Up is available during normal business hours. Just pull up to the curb and give us a call at 630-553-4354. We’ll be glad to run your items out to you.
Scan/Fax Station
We have an easy to use scan station where you can scan photos or documents to: E-mail or a USB drive for free ; or to Fax (cost is $1.00/page) ; or Print (cost is .20/page for B&W or .50/page for color).
Wireless Printing
We have three ways to print wirelessly at YPL. Click on the links below for instructions for printing via app, via the internet, and via email.
Photocopies can be made by the public at a charge of $0.20 per page B&W.
Talking Books
The blind, sight impaired, or learning disabled may apply for the talking book service at the Illinois Talking Book Outreach Center.
Public Access Computers
Use of the computer workstations with internet access, is available to holders of a valid Yorkville Public Library card or to any visiting adult. Public internet computers are available on a first come, first served basis.
Students 7th grade or older may use the internet connection. Students younger than 7th grade may use the internet connection when accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult. The parent or guardian must come to the library and sign the Internet Use Disclaimer for students in 7th grade and older.
See our section on Library Internet Policies for a complete overview of the rules which must be observed when using this computer.
Voter Registration
Persons in Yorkville may register to vote upon presenting two forms of identification with the citizen`s current address. Please call the library before you come at 630-553-4354 to make sure one of our registrars is available to assist you. Voter registration closes 30 days before every election (local, state, and federal).
Local History
The Library has a room dedicated to local history research. The Kendall County Record from 1864 and the Kendall County U.S. Census are available on microfilm here. A computer is also available to access our subscription to Ancestry Library Edition. Please inquire at the adult reference desk for entry to our Local History Room.
Sheet Music
The Hardekopf Music Collection is a collection of over 800 pieces of sheet music and music books donated by the family of Erma Hardekopf, who was a dedicated music teacher in Yorkville for many years. This collection is in the Local History Room. Please inquire at the adult reference desk for access to this material.
Beacon-News – daily
Chicago Tribune – daily
Kendall County Record – weekly
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Sharing books and other materials among libraries. Through this cooperation you have access to many materials which your library does not own. You may place a hold from our Catalog. If our catalog does not have what you require, please let us know and we will search the OCLC database to fulfill your needs.
What is available?
Books on all kinds of subjects. Photocopies of newspapers and magazine articles. Audio Books and DVD`s.
How long will I have to wait for a loan or a copy?
Usually 3 to 10 days. The length of time you will have to wait for your loan varies.
What will it cost?
Usually nothing. But let the librarian know if you are willing to pay lending charges for items that have to be mailed to us.
Michelle Pfister Large Meeting Room
The meeting is available for rental depending upon availability and meeting room guidelines. Please see the Meeting Room page for more detail.
Exam Proctoring
As part of its community outreach service, the Yorkville Public Library provides exam proctoring during library hours to benefit the Yorkville community.
Group Study Rooms
The Yorkville Public Library has four Group Study Rooms. Two are located on the first floor in the youth department, and two on the second floor in the adult department. The purpose of these rooms is to provide a place for patrons to study collaboratively in small groups. Inquiries and reservations should be made respectively at the adult and youth reference desk. In addition to the rules of conduct, all other library policies will apply to the Group Study Room.