Yorkville Public Library prioritizes giving you access to a variety of technologies. Below is a list of our most used technology.
Scan/Fax Station
We have an easy to use scan station where you can scan photos or documents to: E-mail or a USB drive for free ; or to Fax (cost is $1.00/page) ; or Print (cost is .20/page for B&W or .50/page for color).
Talking Books
The blind, sight impaired, or learning disabled may apply for the talking book service at the Illinois Talking Book Outreach Center.
Photocopies can be made by the public at a charge of $0.20 per page B&W.
Public Access Computers
The user must follow all library policies and departmental procedures. Users are limited to 3 hours per day per
cardholder for using the public computers. Our public computers are equipped with Microsoft Office: Word,
Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint. We have Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer as our internet
browser, and Windows 10 as our operating system.
Use of the computer workstations with internet access, is available to holders of a valid Yorkville Public Library card or to any visiting adult. Public internet computers are available on a first come, first served basis.
Students 7th grade or older may use the internet connection. Students younger than 7th grade may use the internet connection when accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult. The parent or guardian must come to the library and sign the Internet Use Disclaimer for students in 7th grade and older.
See our section on Library Internet Policies for a complete overview of the rules which must be observed when using this computer.
The library offers free wireless access in the building. The network name is YPL and there is no password
needed to connect to it.
Wireless Printing
We have three ways to print wirelessly at YPL. Click on the links below for instructions for printing via app, via the internet, and via email.
Fax/Scan/Print Station
Scan documents to:
- Save to a USB drive
- Email a document
- Print a document
- Upload to Google docs
- Fax (not all scanners have faxing capabilities
- Printing Black & White: $0.20 per page
- Printing Color: $.50 per page
- Faxing: $1.00 per page for domestic numbers only
All fees are paid at the print release station. They accept coins (except for pennies) and $1 or $5.
Credit and debit cards are also accepted.
3D Printing
The library has a 3D Printer where you can create an object that we can print for you. Check out our
YouTube channel and follow the steps to create your own 3D printed piece. Prints cost $.20 per gram.
Charging Station
The library has a charging station located in the Young Adult section of the Library behind the Circulation
Desk. The Yorkville Public Library is not responsible for any device left unattended.
Green Screen
The green screen is located in the Youth Department of the Library. See a staff member about the use of
the green screen.